Alichia’s Dance Academy Presents:
Cinderella & TENtastic
Event Details
Sat 4 Dec 2021
Cinderella: 10:30am & 4pm
TENtastic: 12:30pm & 6pm
SunPAC 470 McCullough St Sunnybank
Adult: $35
Concession: $31.50
Child (12 and under): $28
Adult: $38
Concession: $34.50
Child (12 and under): $28
Package Deal
(Cinderella + TENtastic)
Adult: $38
Concession: $34.50
Child (12 and under): $28
Children under 2 are free (sit on lap)
Cinderella: 1hr
TENtastic: 2hr
Additional Information
Please ensure that you book the correct show/session.
An afternoon evening of dance presented by the talented Alichia’s Dance Academy students. Alichia’s Dance Academy celebrates their 10th Year of Dance. Come and celebrate with us and witness all styles of dance.